The Seven „A of automation in warehousing and logistics”...

... will enable you to achieve sustainable results and considerable advantage in competition.

Ibn experts will lead you to set up the best suitable and most efficient solution for your business – and to realize it under lbn comprehensive project management.

Feel free and don’t hesitate to contact us!

We are prepared and happy to consult you!

  • A1: Reduction of storage footprint area up to  200 %   - or  - increasing of capacity up to 200% compared to manual solutions​.

  • A2: Increasing of productivity up to 50% and more by substitution of manpower with automation and using the goods to person principle.​

  • A3: Zero % errors by 100% stringent, IT controlled, automated and paperless warehouse and logistic processes​.

  • A4: Protection of goods against unauthorized access, automated tracking and documentation of the processing.​

  • A5: Enabling complex and high performant applications in storing, sorting, just in time/just in sequence processes that would be simply impossible to do it manually. ​

  • A6: Dramatic improvement of ergonomic and safety conditions at the remaining workplaces („let the machinery do the heavy and dangerous work in difficult conditions and environment“)​.

  • A7: 100% automated and permanent inventory to provide highest availability of goods at any time.


Nähe ist uns wichtig

Ihr direkter Weg zu uns:

lbn Logistikberatung GmbH
Wittgensteiner Straße 73, 57271 Hilchenbach
Telefon:  0 27 33 / 12 48 48 - 0

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